Five playful collage artists to follow on Instagram

Collage art and its surrealist roots has been changing the art game for decades now, and it's not giving up any time soon.

And where better to express the changing artistic techniques than on Instagram. Evolving from the dadaism of the 20s into the 70s activism, cut ‘n’ paste pics seem to be the art of movements: punks to hippies, surrealists to landscapers, it’s a form that expresses every thought and desire. Think feeds jam packed with vibrant cut-outs sounds like a summer dream, so scroll through these five accounts to click follow on now.

Eugenia Loli – @EUGENIA_LOLI

Giulia – @scientwehst

Sarah Eisenlohr – @saraheisenlohr

Mariano Peccinetti – @marianopeccinetti

joe webb – @joewebbart

wordsKitty Robson
main imageEugenia Loli