Grenfell United are spotlighting Tower Blocks that demand change

As the now derelict, Grenfell Tower still stands, a haunting stain in the conscious of Brits everywhere, the organization, Grenfell United project guerilla spotlights on three 12 storey high tower blocks.

As the anniversary of the Grenfell tragedy fast approaches many have come to question the government decisions to stay quiet about the necessity of renovating and improving on the very causes of the 2017 scandal. As the now derelict, Grenfell Tower still stands, a haunting stain in the conscious of Brits everywhere, the organization, Grenfell United project guerilla spotlights on three 12 storey high tower blocks. Manchester, London and Newcastle saw one building, per city with the message: “2 YEARS AFTER GRENFELL THIS BUILDING STILL HAS NO SPRINKLERS #DEMANDCHANGE #GRENFELLUNITED” on Frinstead House in west London; “2 YEARS AFTER GRENFELL THIS BUILDING IS STILL COVERED IN DANGEROUS CLADDING #DEMANDCHANGE #GRENFELLUNITED” across the NV building, in Salford Quays and lastly: “2 YEARS AFTER GRENFELL THIS BUILDING STILL AREN’T FIT FOR PURCHASE #DEMANDCHANGE #GRENFELLUNITED” on Cruddas Park House block.

The threat deepens as this past Sunday, a fire seared through the Bellway Homes block in Barking of East London, whereby 20 flats were destroyed with a further 10 by heat and smoke damage. Though there were no deaths the plea for safer housing poses a continued worriment. For 5 years now, communities have pleaded for safer cladding and general building maintenance, but Grenfell, with it’s alleged, death toll of 72 people in the Kensington borough building became a global crisis that we could not ignore. Somehow, the government still has not made efforts toward a nationwide overhaul. What will it take? The worst has already happened.

wordsConnie Mangumbu