Help BRAC find #SpaceOnEarth for the Rohingya children

Last year nearly a million Rohingya were forced to flee their homes and seek refuge in Bangladesh. Among them are 500,000 children who now live in the biggest refugee camp in the world.

The Rohingya refugees urgently need help, and the five hundred thousand children desperately need a safe place that they can call home. BRAC’s campaign asks us to consider the size of our world, how much space and excess there is, and how therefore there must be a space for the Rohingya children.

In need of immediate short term aid, the #SpaceOnEarth short film encapsulates both the horror of the events and the simplicity of the help. After what the United Nations described as a genocide (“a textbook example of ethnic cleansing”) happened, the ones who fled now live in the biggest camp on earth, we hear their message and need for help.

Watch BRAC’s #SpaceOnEarth film below now, for more information or to donate, click here.

wordsKitty Robson