Kim Kardashian strangely announced ‘Chief Taste Consultant’ for Beyond Meat

Kim Kardashian is a woman of many talents and she’s now putting her supposed greatest asset to use – her taste.

Wondering what a chief taste consultant does exactly? Well, we’re not sure Kim Kardashian knows either. Today, Kardashian announced her partnership with plant-based meat producer, Beyond Meat. The revelation was made by a rather strange promotional video on her Instagram. Seriously, watch the video and try not to wince at the forced nature of it all.

The complete opposite of a self-aware, creative advert it instead will have you sitting there uncomfortably throughout its entirety. The tone of Kardashian’s voice almost sounds like she’s being held for ransom as she unconvincingly professes her adoration for the brand. Mix in the cheesy, lifeless dance music creeping in the background and it’s almost torturous to sit through. 

Anyway, while it may be a strange partnership it’s clearly a massive boost for the California-based food company. Kardashian, who often posts incredibly riveting photos of her well-stocked fridge, said she will share her favourite Beyond Meat food products in the company newsletter. She said she was inspired by the company’s mission, in a statement, she said its products benefit “both people and the planet.” Since the announcement stocks for Beyond Meat have risen 7%.

Aside from being appointed chief taste consultant, she will also be featuring in a new Beyond Meat advertising campaign. The company stated her appointment was due to her “impeccable taste in food, fashion, beauty and more.” 


WriterChris Saunders
Banner Image CreditInstagram / Kim Kardashian