Kim Kardashian’s newest tone deaf venture

Kim Kardashian West has just launched her new shape wear line and you'll never guess what name she went for...

We cannot deny that Kim Kardashian West’s shapewear line is the most on brand yet- a long time coming. From the woman who brought having huge assets to the white fore, it comes as no surprise that newest ‘It’ body would have society gagging for any feasible grata towards their ideal instal-ready body. Whether it’s fit tummy tearing your life away, or shifting and removing ribs, cutting slicing or lifting, or its waist training and hoping for the best; shape wear has been the (not-so) greatest secret our mothers (and hollywood) have kept. 

Kim released campaign images of the new line that features a host of diverse models of varying shapes and sizes followed by the caption:

“Finally I can share with you guys this project that I have been developing for the last year. I’ve been passionate about this for 15 years. 

Kimono is my take on shapewear and solutions for women that actually work.I would always cut up my shapewear to make my own styles, and there have also been so many times I couldn’t find a shapeware color that blended with my skin tone so we needed a solution for all of this. The third pic is the solution short. I developed this style for all of those times I wanted to wear a dress or skirt with a slit and still needed the support. Introducing Kimono Solutionwear™ for every body. Coming Soon in sizes XXS – 4XL in 9 shades. I can’t wait for you to feel this fabric!#KimonoBody @kimono

…Introducing, Kimono, the new line by Kim. 

We get it. The word has her name, “Kim” in it, true, but, this is a word- even- name, that holds so much cultural and historical weight. It dates back 794-1185 during the Japanese Heian Period, developed the traditional garment to be worn during tea ceremonies, funerals or wedding. In short, special cultural occasions. The reality tv star filed to trademark(!) the word for various other functions, including animal wear, luggage and more.

For Kim Kardashian to repurpose a name so vastly appropriated by the western fashion industry, already, to utilise it and profit over glorified udergarmetnts is frankly laughable, but also tiresome. Along the list of the many problematic practices of the Kardashian Klan this is another oversight that they’ve chosen to play ignorance to. For the apples of profit they’ve amassed from their 10 year reign in the social-sphere, their vast team, Kim’s newfound love of law and justice, this is boring. 

wordsConnie Mangumbu
cover imageVanessa Beecroft