The artist creating enigmatic masks for every mood 

If there was ever a reason to don a disguise it'd be this one.

Thread stories is the Irish artist exploring our digital identities through crochet masks. An array of different colour variants and stitchings, these dynamic masks offer us some insight into the falsities of our public personas and aims to poke fun at the duality of our conscious and subconscious selves. “The masks deny the viewer the full story of who the sitter is, echoing the curated or false personas we portray and view online daily,” threadstories told Colossal. “The masks are mutations of our private and public selves.”

Aesthetically pleasing and dynamic, Thread stories masks are hand crafted with yarn and transformed into wonderfully elaborate headpieces. This has fueled a community of artists in creating their own versions of the immersive technique. You’re sure to be mesmerized but the results. 

wordsConnie Mangumbu
Cover image @Threadstories